Sunday, September 11, 2011

Why everyone is an artist

First off, sorry for the giant gap in posts. I don't really have a reason - I just didn't post anything.

Second, sorry for the awful formatting of the last post.

Thirdly, a fantastic epiphany (I'm not actually sure the real meaning of that word, but I hope it means what I think it means).
All people are artists. This idea actually sprung from someone I follow on Formspring. Basically, every day is a piece of art. Everyone has their own piece of art. They shape it, colour it, and finish it any way they want. The people who turn up in the day, how they treat the other people, the foods they ate, and, most importantly, how they enjoyed it. At the end of the day, they can either appreciate the beauty of the day they've created, or throw it away and start new. Of course, it's better if you just store it than completely throw it away, but whatevs - your life, your choices.
Better yet? Every day you get a brand new canvas. Who cares if you make a few mistakes - every artwork has mistakes, you just blend it in to the rest of the canvas and make it work. Make it better. This. is. your. life. You get one life and a million chances. But the more chances you blow, the less special those chances will seem. Make every day, every fresh canvas special - feel blessed that you have it and all those new chances will be special every time.
Bottom line, you are responsible for your canvas. It won't always be a masterpiece, but any piece of art can be enjoyed. Shape it. Paint it. Make it important. It's yours - all yours. You can make it however you want. You're the main character in your story, the artist of your artwork. The person who is in charge of your world is you.
Look around. Everything you see? The only person who sees it that way is you. However you look at things, you're the only one looks at it like that. You are diffent and being different is normal. That's a total paradox so we'll just say that there's no such thing as normal. Everyone is world's different - that's the beauty of it. YOU ARE AMAZING! Just look at yourself. They say that, out of the almost 7 billion people on the planet, there are approximately 2 that are identical to you. I think this is total nonsense. There is not a person in the entire world who knows what it is like to be you. Seven BILLION people and only one you. Isn't that amazing? I think it's just beautiful. Seven billion different people all living on the earth. It's just incredible. You are beautiful, totally unique, and made totally perfect. You aren't perfect, but you are the perfect you. There is no such thing as a better you. Ever.

Anneke SS