Monday, October 18, 2010

wake up wake up get outta bed!

I've decided to actually start using this blog. I mean, I got it a long time ago, forgot about it, the started following other people's blogs, and then realized 'hey, I have a blog of my own'. I think I could really use a blog too. Like, there are so many things in life that make you think 'hey, if I ever actually that down, I could actually use it someday.' Or I dunno, something like that. Not that I don't already...just this is different. You can't put your opinion on certain movies in a day short and you can't put imaginary things you think of off the top of your head in a dream journal. And nobody really uses Facebook notes. So this blog thing? Maybe a good idea. I know I'll look back on this in 20 years and think 'why on earth would I put something like that in a blog?', but even still, I promise never to delete anything from this blog. Even if it's super-odd. That's like pretending you didn't post something that you actually did...or something like that. Who really cares what someone wrote before anyways, if they've changed now?

Well after bamboozling this much of whoever actually is going to read this' time, I'm going to bed. Isn't that such an awesome word? 'Bamboozle'. We read it in 'Life of Pi' in English, apparently they use it in India and it means something like cheating or frauding or something like that.

Disregard this post. It's the first one. Adios.