Saturday, July 3, 2021

Solo Swiss Travels: Dead Bodies in Basel

There was one weekend near the end of May where I just needed to get away: escape a stressful living situation, demanding work responsibilities, and psycho-emotionally draining friendships. I just needed out.


So. At around 5pm Friday afternoon, I booked a hostel in Basel for that same evening and the following two nights (Monday was a holiday). 

Why Basel? It's incredibly old (we're talking ancient Roman times), sits directly on the Rhine River at the crossroads between Switzerland, France, and Germany, and hosts the most museums of any other Swiss city (including your typical/kinda boring art and natural history museums but also more interesting ones, which we'll get to).

Catching the 7pm train from Cornavin, the 5-hour journey brought me to the hostel shortly after midnight. It took a bit of time to figure out the safe-system for late-checkins and the handwritten German instructions on how to find and open the room, but eventually the large 10-bed dorm was entirely my own for the next several hours. 


My first day in Basel (Saturday) was very slow, calm, and unplanned (Tbh, I just needed to decompress from the week and couldn't be bothered to organize anything). Grabbing coffee from one of the small stands at a Saturday morning market, I wandered through the old city taking photos, watching people, sitting beside the Rhine river to write and nap, and wandering through the cathedral and its crypt.


Old City gates
Inside the courtyard of the Basel Munster
Jesus lookin' sexy
The Rhine River, where Switzerland meets both Germany and France
Accidentally buying fancy coffee and cakes during a writing break

Reading along the Rhine

There was a large market in central Old Basel, Basel Marktplaz, where people in traditional Swiss German clothing were playing these massive horns that sounded similar to a didgeridoo... but more Swiss. There was also an abundance of hard-pressed cheeses to choose from; I went with 100g of both Napfkäse and Sörenberger-Alpkäse to taste and add to my cheese chart (which is updated far more regularly than this blog - just a heads up). The Napfkäse was a classic good hard cheese but that Sörenberger-Alpkäse somehow managed to taste super-aged and sharp without creating any sort of granules (those tiny cheese crystals that show up inside aged cheeses), resulting in an incredibly smooth cheese with all the rich sharpness of a strong aged cheese.

Cool Swiss didgeridoo. They're flying the flag for Obwalden canton, which is... not where Basel is?

Cheese cheese cheese!
A classic, good hard alpine cheese.

One of the smoothest hard, aged cheeses I've tried! I have no idea how they managed to avoid the cheese crystals

That night, I brought the most delicious garlic fries (which were easily ordered and handed to me but weirdly complicated to find someone to pay for them?) to eat at my hostel while planning tomorrow's Sunday Adventure, which I'd already determined to be much more organized than today. After hours sifting through brochures (thank you, Basel Backpackers), this was the final itinerary:

10am - free walking tour of Basel Old Town

12:30 - walk to the Anatomical Museum (Anatomischesmuseum), grabbing something to eat on the way

1pm - explore the Anatomical Museum

3pm - walk quickly to the Pharmacy Museum (Pharmaziemuseum) before it closes

4pm - walk quickly to the Toy Museum (Spielzeug Welten Museum) before it closes next

5pm - find sausage to eat at a restaurant somewhere. Gotta enjoy classic wurst from the German part.


Somehow (almost) everything went smoothly! Our tour guide was a sweetheart who adored Basel and I wish we'd had more questions for him. 

Tinguely Fountain: facing the new opera house, it is designed in the space and using the materials of the old opera house. The statue's face is shooting tears at the new opera house. Architect was not a fan of change...

Basel Town Hall. Such vibrant red!

Brains in the anatomy museum!

Tattoos last a long time...

Pickled sniffer

Bodily consent is obviously an important topic here with some weird gray areas in relation to its history. The legal requirement for medical consent to use/display someone's dead body for scientific purposes isn't that old; common practices used by average respectable doctors 200 years ago would now be completely illegal. Yet many of the body parts on display were significantly older than body consent laws. Apparently (according to the student running the ticket counter), universities are able to keep displaying bodies obtained before these consent laws - it is only new bodies that are required to meet the current standards. As a result, there are certain specimens on display right now that will only be possible to see until they disintegrate because current consent laws would not allow new ones. The most significant example of this was the fetuses: the museum had an entire wall depicting every stage of fetal development (no photos of this one - obvious reasons). Since a fetus cannot consent, this display will only be around until they naturally disintegrate.I ended up staying at the Anatomical Museum until it closed and had to skip the Pharmacy Museum but it was definitely worth it. The entire museum is just one room with several rows of specimens, but almost every specimen is utterly fascinating.

The Toy Museum was spectacular and I wish there were more than an hour to spend it in.

Mouse home

A monastery basement

Wildly intricate dollhouse!

Risqué artist's nook of the 1800s?

Tutus! So detailed

By a happy coincidence, the Toy Museum is right beside the street with all the outdoor restaurants and food stalls. It took a surprisingly long time to find a restaurant selling sausage (a common response: "you need a festival or sporting event for sausage - it's not a restaurant food." Oh well - I still want sausage). Eventually, I did find a restaurant selling sausage and enjoyed happily eating that sausage on a busy Basel restaurant patio.

I also met a fellow traveler on this restaurant patio - a young German man escaping the German COVID restrictions. We ended up exploring Kleinebasel, finding random paintings of Naked Jesus, trying Croatian ćevapčići, and wandering along the Rhine.


On Sunday, I went hiking in a more rural area outside of Basel (which took a while to get to - Basel is quite large).

I found...

Pfeffingen Castle, an abandoned medieval fortress

With a beautifully placed tree

One of the largest castle ruins in Basel canton

From multiple angles

A rock that was apparently a tactical Swiss location during WW1

A sign looking like it was from LotR

That evening, I boarded the long train back toward Geneva. Arriving around 2am, I snuck back into my house to avoid waking up the small children, tucked into bed, and fell fast asleep to recharge for the workday tomorrow.

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