Friday, January 20, 2012

A Bit of Poetry

Two poems I wrote for my ENG3U English class. The first one's a villanelle and the second one's a sonnet:

Perfect Escape

We need be freed from Earth consumed by woe
To the realms of fantasy tight we hold
Our own perfect worlds are all that we know

Ambitions, desires, hopes, and dreams let go
Forced to fight wars, do what we are told
We need be freed from Earth consumed by woe

We long for our childhood lost long ago
Still wait for the boy who never grew old
Our own perfect worlds are all that we know

We recreate lands with no status quo
And dwell in heavens only we control
We need be freed from Earth consumed by woe

To the moss-covered glade we long to go
The elves of Rivendell we will uphold
Our own perfect worlds are all that we know

The trap of our dreams we wish to fall low
And never to escape the dream's strong hold
We need be freed from Earth consumed by woe
Our own perfect worlds are all that we know

Wonderful World

In traps of hatred, lust and greed we rot
By this belief we become Devil's toy
The world we make ourselves perceive is not
Reality; the world is full of joy.

The world is not an evil place to be
The happiness we so beseech is here
Acknowledgment is all we lack to see
Beauty in all things; even things we fear

For at their birth everything was ideal
And all are strong and good in heart
Then every person has the right to feel
Welcomed, wanted, seen as sweet and smart

Whence goodness found in all things we behold
We watch as great surroundings will unfold